Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP
Ms. Beaven has over thirty years of experience in government statistics, in particular data preparation and analysis. She has also worked extensively with governments, multilateral agencies and the statistical community, most notably through the United Nations Statistics Division, ECA, ESCAP, World Bank and Paris21.
Prior to joining ESCAP Statistics Division, Ms. Beaven led the Data for Development Team at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom, where she managed a global portfolio of statistical programmes to build core statistics as well as helped countries modernize their statistical systems. She was also a leading advocate for financing for data and statistics.
Ms. Beaven has provided a wide range of technical support, from improving economic and financial statistics to estimating local population using geospatial data. She is one of the founders of the Inclusive Data Charter, launched at the 2018 High-Level Political Forum, to mobilize political commitments and to advance inclusive and disaggregated data. Ms. Beaven also led a programme on monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals with United Nations Statistics Division and established a data science hub with the Office for National Statistics of the United Kingdom to explore use of data science, in particular geospatial as well as big data, to monitor progress.
Ms. Beaven holds Master’s degrees in Statistical Applications in Business and Government as well as Business Administration, and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Geology.
통계청-ESCAP 공동 국제회의 : 발전 효과 극대화를 위한 데이터 거버넌스와 통합
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 128 SK V1빌딩 B동 1401호
전화번호 : 070-8854-7030
이메일 : kostat.escap@gmail.com