Deputy Government
Statistician and
Deputy Chief Executive
Stats New Zealand
Unlocking the value of data and statistics is something that Rachael has been passionate about her whole career, spanning over 30 years.
Rachael is the Deputy Government Statistican and Deputy Chief Executive for Insights and Statistics at Stats New Zealand Tatauranga Aotearoa, leading the delivery of data services and insights to customers, communities, and stakeholders as well as the necessary data platforms and statistical infrastructure which underpin delivery.
She is also responsible for delivering 2023 Census results and the transition to the next one.
Rachael has represented New Zealand in the international statistical community, and she is currently a member of the New Zealand AI Forum Executive Council.
KOSTAT-ESCAP Joint Conference on Data Governance and Integration for Maximum Development Impact : Data Governance and Integration for Maximizing Development Impact
Address: 1401, B-dong, SK V1 Building, 128 Beobwon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Phone Number: +82 2-2057-8000
Email: kostat.escap@gmail.com